How To Stay Healthy Over Winter – My Top Tips

How To Stay Healthy Over Winter – My Top Tips

How To Stay Healthy Over Winter

For many, winter is a time of being sick and sad more often than not. But what if you could stay healthy over winter by implementing a few simple habits? Here are my top tips for staying physically and mentally well over the winter season.

Simple ways to stay healthy over winter

Drink plenty of fluids

We often forget to stay hydrated during the colder months. But if you want to stay healthy over winter, this is the first place you need to start!

Why? Firstly, we have a greater need for hydration, thanks to the dry heat of heating systems. Water plays a critical role in wellbeing including in digestion, skin health, detoxification and energy production.

But it’s also important for preventing winter germs from sneaking in. The first lines of defence against infection rely on water – think the nose and lungs. If you’re not hydrated, it’s easier for germs to bypass these lines and get you sick.

Find you struggle to drink plain water in the colder months? I recommend finding a couple of herbal teas you really enjoy. You might like a mix of energising teas (with ingredients like ginseng), calming teas (with ingredients like chamomile) and of course immune support teas (look out for ingredients like elderberry and echinacea).

Get moving regularly

Another habit that often goes out the door when the temperature drops is physical activity. But there are countless reasons to move on a daily basis over the colder months. Just some of them include:

  • Supporting a healthy metabolism
  • Fending off seasonal depression symptoms
  • Increasing lymphatic flow (supporting immune function)
  • Boosting your mood and motivation levels
  • Preventing premature ageing (ok, this is a year-round benefit!)

So find a way to move that you enjoy. That way, you’ll find it easier to stick to even when it’s cold, wet and miserable outside!

Wash your hands

Yes, I know you’ve heard this a million times over the past few years. But washing your hands with plain old soap and water can help to fend off the germs you’re exposed to throughout the day.

My rule of thumb is to wash my hands whenever I come home. That way, I won’t be spreading any unwanted germs around the house or exposing my loved ones to them!

Soak up the daylight

One of the key reasons that we are prone to physical and mental woes over winter is the lack of daylight. As it’s cold outside, we prefer huddling up inside and staying warm. But we want to make sure you get some daylight exposure every single day to keep you healthy.

This has both physical and mental benefits. Depending on where you live, you may be able to get a dose of vitamin D from sunlight exposure during winter. And as we know, vitamin D is a must for a healthy immune system! But daylight also helps to regulate our circadian rhythm and boost feel-good brain chemicals.

Aim for at least 10 minutes outside each day. Expose whatever skin you can without getting too chilly!

Embrace seasonal ingredients

There is a reason why seasonal ingredients are available when they are. You’ll find the nutrients you need to maintain your health over winter packed into seasonal foods!

For example, citrus fruits give you a great dose of vitamin C and antioxidants that combat germs. Root vegetables are full of fibre that allow you to enjoy some comforting carbohydrates without setting your blood sugar soaring. Brassica veggies have potent anti-inflammatory compounds that protect your heart and prevent premature ageing.

So load up on the seasonal options. If you can pick them up direct from a farmers market, that’s even better!

Consider a supportive supplement

If you’re already depleted, deficient or run-down, it can be tough to stay on top of everything. That’s where a supplement may help to bridge the gaps and help you to recover quickly.

It’s no surprise that my go-to all-rounder supplement is Energy Glow NR – you can learn more about its benefits here.

Want to be healthier and happier all year around? 

Let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you looking and feeling amazing again!

Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

How To Support Your Thyroid During Your 40s

How To Support Your Thyroid During Your 40s

How To Support Your Thyroid During Your 40s

Did you know that your thyroid is more vulnerable during perimenopause? This can feed into many of the symptoms you experience throughout your 40s. However, there are steps you can take to protect and support your thyroid naturally.

Tips to support your thyroid health during perimenopause

Focus on nutrient-dense foods

Like the rest of your body, the thyroid relies on a specific set of nutrients to work optimally. Unfortunately, many women in their 40s are low or even deficient in key nutrients such as iron, zinc, magnesium and vitamin D.

In some cases, supplementation may be needed. But everyone can benefit from increasing the nutrient density of their diet! Focus on wholefoods that are in season, as these will pack in the most nutrition. The goal is to have at least 80% of your diet based on these food groups.

Exercise in moderation

Physical activity is amazing for your health, including for your thyroid. Studies suggest that adding exercise along with thyroid replacement hormone can boost thyroid hormones levels compared to thyroxine alone.

But more is not always better. The thyroid gland is particularly vulnerable to stress, including the physical stress of intense exercise.

If you’re going to Crossfit 6 days a week or doing HIIT every time you go to the gym, you might be putting unneeded strain on your thyroid. And this can sabotage your metabolism (which is the last thing you want!)

Instead, go for a mix of exercise forms and intensities. Add in some yoga or Pilates, or even just go for a gentle walk on the weekends. Your thyroid will thank you!

Put stress management first

One of the biggest drivers of both perimenopause and thyroid symptoms is chronic stress! Stress depletes progesterone and interferes with thyroid hormone production. Low progesterone can further reduce free thyroid hormone in the blood and trigger autoimmune processes.

So now it’s time to look at your stress level. Are there things that you can outsource or ditch altogether? And with what remains, how can you support your stress resilience?

For stress relief tips, make sure you give this podcast episode a listen.

Keep inflammation at bay

As we know, all chronic disease has inflammation as a factor. Thyroid dysfunction is no exception to this rule! In fact, it’s more vulnerable to the effects of inflammation than many other organs and glands.

What does inflammation do to the thyroid gland? It can cause the overproduction or underproduction of thyroid hormone, throwing your entire metabolism off-balance. For some, it may swing between overactive and underactive, which can lead to a host of symptoms.

So make sure you tackle any underlying inflammation caused by issues such as an imbalanced diet, chronic stress, insulin resistance and nutrient deficiencies.

Know your thyroid levels

It’s great to take steps to support your thyroid, but knowledge is power. That’s why it’s best to know if your thyroid is sluggish, underactive or even under attack from your own immune system!

Unfortunately, many GPs will hesitate to test anything other than your thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). As a result, many women will experience thyroid-related symptoms for years before diagnosis.

The solution? Work with a health practitioner who can send you for a full thyroid panel. You may need to pay out of pocket for it, but it could make the difference between you suffering in silence and you getting the support you need.

Want to support your thyroid and get a handle on your perimenopausal symptoms?

Let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you looking and feeling amazing now and for decades to come!

Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

Perimenopause And Your Thyroid – What You Need To Know

Perimenopause And Your Thyroid – What You Need To Know

Perimenopause And Your Thyroid - What You Need To Know

When you reach your 40s, you might notice some pesky symptoms arise. But is it just the stage of life you’ve entered, or is there something more at play? Let’s examine the relationship between perimenopause and your thyroid health.

The link between perimenopause and your thyroid

Why are the two so similar?

There is a big overlap between perimenopause and thyroid conditions. This includes the age of onset, the symptoms and the driving factors behind it all!

First up, let’s talk about the symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms you see during perimenopause include:

  • Irregular periods
  • Heavier periods
  • Hot flushes
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog and memory loss
  • Dry skin
  • Hair loss/thinning hair
  • Gut symptoms such as constipation, diarrhoea and bloating
  • Ageing skin

And then let’s look at the symptoms of an underactive thyroid:

  • Irregular periods
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Dry skin
  • Hair loss/thinning hair
  • A hoarse throat
  • Increased soreness and pain
  • Constipation and bloating
  • Feeling cold all the time
  • Mood swings and irritability

Spot the similarities? It’s no wonder that many women are left wondering if it’s perimenopause or thyroid disease!

Then there is the stage of life. Perimenopause will generally start sometime in your 40s, although some may get the first niggles in their late 30s. Thyroid conditions also tend to start around this age more than any other stage of life – for example, Hashimoto’s (an autoimmune thyroid disease) is most common between 30-50 years.

And I’m sure it’s no surprise to you, but guess what can drive both? You guessed it – inflammation. Chronic inflammation, stress, poor sleep, nutrient deficiencies and insulin resistance are just a few factors that I see over and over in both perimenopause and thyroid clients.

Can it be perimenopause and your thyroid at the same time?

It can be one or the other, but it’s not unusual for a woman to experience both. As we’ve seen, the delicate balance of hormones can be thrown off during your 40s, leaving you prone to both sets of symptoms.

The two conditions also feed into each other. An underactive thyroid can exacerbate the symptoms of perimenopause by slowing the metabolism down. The hormone shifts during perimenopause can trigger autoimmunity, reduce the amount of free thyroid hormone and reduce conversion of thyroid hormone.

The good news? Many of the steps you need to tackle your thyroid health are similar to those for perimenopause. It all comes back to the foundational habits for your overall wellbeing.

Stay tuned for the next blog where I’ll explore how to support your thyroid health during perimenopause.

The biggest issue for many – weight gain

There are dozens of symptoms for these two, but the one that is most stubborn and frustrating for many is the weight gain. Even though you haven’t changed your diet or lifestyle, it creeps up and up – no matter what you do!

So why is this the case?

During perimenopause, there are multiple factors that feed into weight gain. Insulin resistance, changes to sex hormone balance and the effects of chronic stress are just a few examples!

When it comes to the thyroid, this is because your thyroid hormone levels drop. These hormones run your metabolism, so your metabolism will burn less energy at rest than usual. As a result, you’ll start to store more energy as fat.

And if you’re experiencing both at the same time? This can cause your weight to skyrocket!

Want to nurture your thyroid and get a handle on your perimenopausal symptoms?

Let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you feeling (and looking) amazing now and for decades to come!

Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

How To Handle Hot Flushes Naturally

How To Handle Hot Flushes Naturally

How To Handle Hot Flushes Naturally

Hot flushes are a common symptom during perimenopause – and while they might not seem like a big deal, they can have a big impact on your life! But there are ways we can address the underlying causes and alleviate your suffering.

Unfortunately, around 75% of those going through perimenopause will experience hot flushes. In some cases, these may continue for months or even years after you reach menopause. So let’s look at what you can do to better manage this irritating symptom.

What are hot flushes?

You may see this referred to as hot flashes or even vasomotor symptoms (VMS). Whatever name you use, they are one of the most common symptoms experienced during perimenopause. Symptoms include:

  • Redness in the face
  • Increased sweating and temperature
  • A flushing sensation spreading from the chest upwards to the face

Some people may also experience palpitations, dizziness and nausea. You may feel cold as a rebound effect after the flush has passed.

There is variation in each episode – you may have a sudden onset of the flush or it may come on slowly. The symptoms may be incredibly intense, or they may be mild and irritating. Many will be woken during the night by hot flushes. In fact, one of the most annoying aspects is that it is so unpredictable – you don’t know when it will hit, what it will be like, how long it will last, or even when the next episode will occur once it’s passed.

Worried about this symptom? There is nothing harmful about a hot flush. But that doesn’t mean you just have to put up with them, particularly if they stress you out or make you feel embarrassed.

 How to reduce your symptoms naturally

You might have gone to your GP already and been told that hormone replacement therapy or the Pill are the only solutions for your symptoms.

But what if you’re not keen on medicating the issue and potentially making it worse down the track? The good news is that we can address your oestrogen balance and take out triggers that feed into the hot flushes.

Here are some simple tips to get started:

Avoid your triggers – common triggers include alcohol, spicy food and coffee. If you’re unsure, you might like to keep a diary tracking your food and symptoms to see if there is a pattern.

Focus on a nutrient-rich diet – you need plenty of wholefoods in your diet to support your hormones, maintain a healthy weight, improve stress resilience, reduce inflammation… the list goes on! So make sure your diet is at least 80% nourishing wholefoods (ideally it’s also tailored to your specific requirements!)

Keep calm  chronic stress is a massive issue for women in perimenopause, thanks to the reduction in stress tolerance. If you don’t get a handle on it, it will leave you inflamed, hormonally imbalanced and suffering from countless symptoms. Find a way to process your stress in a healthy manner.

Tackle insulin resistance – this is a common condition that can develop alongside perimenopause. Unfortunately, it seems that those with IR are more prone to flushes. So make sure you get checked and take steps to improve your insulin sensitivity!

Want to ditch hot flushes and other irritating perimenopausal symptoms?

Let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you looking and feeling amazing now and for decades to come!

Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

Why Stress During Perimenopause Is A Massive Problem

Why Stress During Perimenopause Is A Massive Problem

Why Stress During Perimenopause Is A Massive Problem

Have you noticed you’re far more prone to stress during perimenopause? It’s not just the effects of being in your 40s – there’s a close link between these two factors. And most importantly, they can lead to serious health consequences if left unchecked.

Here’s what you need to know about stress and perimenopause.

Why you experience more stress during perimenopause

There is a very real reason why stress is far more prevalent during this stage of life. It all comes back to the hormonal changes that occur with perimenopause.

The first big factor is the reduction in progesterone levels. When you have adequate progesterone, it helps to keep you feeling calm by regulating the stress response. But as your levels drop off throughout perimenopause, that stress tolerance drops through the floor.

Then we have the fluctuations that occur in your oestrogen levels. Drops in oestrogen are linked to lower levels of happy brain chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine that help you to stay focused, calm and in control. Sudden spikes can contribute to mood swings, anxiety and irritability, which all feed into your experience of stress.

All of this adds up to a reduction in stress tolerance or stress resilience. So things that didn’t use to worry you can suddenly become a big, overwhelming deal!

The two way relationship

Unfortunately, this goes both ways. Progesterone production can drop off thanks to the effects of chronic stress, oestrogen fluctuations increase, and there’s the added effects on hormones such as cortisol and thyroid hormones.

Not to mention, chronic stress also drives inflammation, which can exacerbate every single symptom you experience during perimenopause! And that leads us into the real reason that stress during perimenopause is a massive problem for your long-term wellbeing.

Long-term consequences of uncontrolled stress during perimenopause

You might not be too worried about experiencing more stress during your 40s. But if it’s left unchecked, it can have some concerning implications for your health.

From a general perspective, chronic stress and the resulting cortisol ramp up your inflammatory pathways, interfere with your blood sugar levels and sabotage your thyroid function.

The biggest concern here is chronic inflammation. This drives countless health conditions that show up later in life, including heart disease, many forms of cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Another problem is the development of insulin resistance. This contributes to perimenopause symptoms, chronic inflammation, stress and other important health pillars such as sleep. It can also lead to weight gain, even when you don’t increase your calorie intake.

And finally, stress can deplete many of the vital nutrients that keep you happy and healthy for longer. This includes magnesium, B vitamins and zinc. Low levels of these nutrients can have their own specific health implications, including chronic fatigue and reduced immunity.

Can I take a supplement to help with my stress levels?

Supplements can never replace a balanced diet, exercise and stress management regime. However, they can support pathways involved with stress, inflammation, hormone balance and healthy ageing.

That’s why I’ve formulated my own innovative supplement designed to support you during this often hectic stage of life! Learn more about Energy Glow NR here.

Want to boost your stress resilience and feel in control again?

Let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can help you to feel calm, collected and able to tackle whatever life throws your way!

Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

Suffering From The Fatigued 40s? Here Is Why

Suffering From The Fatigued 40s? Here Is Why

Suffering From The Fatigued 40s? Here Is The Solution

Heard of the fatigued 40s? This is a stage of life where many women find themselves exhausted, no matter what they do! But this isn’t all in your head – there are specific reasons why your 40s are a time of low energy. And most importantly, there are ways we can turn it around and restore your energy.

The reasons behind the fatigued 40s

Hormone imbalances

During perimenopause, there are a lot of hormonal shifts that go on. Unfortunately, this can be bad news for your energy levels! The change in oestrogen and progesterone levels can throw off your ability to maintain a regular sleep pattern, resulting in perimenopausal insomnia.

Thyroid dysfunction

Sex hormones aren’t the only ones influenced by perimenopause. Thyroid conditions including Hashimoto’s may pop up during your 40s, thanks to the ripple effect of hormone shifts.

When your thyroid is underactive, it slows down your metabolism. This not only leads to weight gain, but slows down the production of everything in the body – including cellular energy. As a result, you feel exhausted on top of miserable and cold!

Insulin resistance

Another hormone picture that pops up during your 40s is reduced sensitivity to insulin. If you develop insulin resistance, your cells don’t listen to insulin’s cue to take glucose in. This means you can’t use it to produce enough energy.

Suspect insulin resistance is a concern for you? Take your waist measurement. If it’s more than 100cm then you probably have insulin resistance. If you waist measurement is greater than or equal to half your height, then you are at increased risk for stroke, diabetes and heart disease – eek! But don’t worry – I’ve got you covered! Just book in for your free Pre-Screening call at the link at the bottom of this article and we can have a chat about what strategies will best work for you.

Low NAD levels

Did you know that by age 50, your body’s production of NAD has halved? Loss of NAD is a driver behind many of the symptoms we write off as ‘getting older’ – including low energy levels.

The good news? You can boost your levels by adding in  NR (nicotinamide riboside). NR can increase NAD levels by up to 60% in middle-aged and older adults. So it really is a game-changer when it comes to supporting NAD!

That’s why I formulated my own innovative supplement designed to support healthy ageing – and I’m so excited to share it with you! Learn more about Energy Glow NR here.

Nutrient deficiencies

During the fatigued 40s, it’s easy to blame everything on hormones. But sometimes, it can be as simple as a nutrient deficiency! Most of the nutrients your body requires will play a role in energy production (directly or indirectly). However, common deficiencies that lead to fatigue include:

  • Iron (particularly if heavy periods are part of perimenopause for you)
  • B vitamins including vitamin B12
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin D

When clients start working with me, I often find that they are deficient in energy-supporting nutrients. But you can boost your intake of essential nutrients by focusing on a wholefood-rich diet.

If you think supplements are needed, be sure to work with a qualified practitioner – there is such thing as too much, and over-supplementing some nutrients can also lead to exhaustion!

Chronic stress

Stress is probably the #1 contributing factor to the fatigued 40s! This includes physical stressors such as too much caffeine and alcohol along with mental and social stress that you face on a daily basis.

When you’re constantly under stress, you enter a state known as fight-or-flight. This state keeps you constantly alert, but depletes your nutrient levels and fries your nervous system. As a result, you end up feeling ‘wired but tired’. And the longer you stay in this state, the more exhausted you’ll become – you simply never get a chance to switch off and recuperate properly.

This is even harder during perimenopause, as you’ll have a lower tolerance for stress. This means that both physically and mentally, you’ll become overwhelmed by the stress you’re exposed to.


I talk a lot about inflammation and inflammaging, and for good reason! Chronic inflammation is a massive driver of premature ageing symptoms including exhaustion. Research has even discovered that inflammation can directly cause fatigue.

Unchecked inflammation will feed into all of the other causes of low energy. It chews through vital nutrients, impairs your thyroid hormones, reduces your stress tolerance, depletes NAD and throws off the sex hormone balance even further. That’s why it’s critical to get inflammation under control.

Ready to rediscover your energetic self?

Let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you looking and feeling amazing now and for decades to come!

Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.