Why ‘New Year New You’ Sucks!

Do you find yourself promising, ‘New Year, new me!’ every time January rolls around? I’m not going to lie – I think the whole idea of New Year, New You is terrible. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t make some great changes over the next 12 months – let me explain to you how.
Why ‘New Year, New You’ Sucks
It’s a short-term mindset
The statistics around New Year’s resolutions are pretty atrocious. Around 80% of people have given up by mid-Feb. Less than 10% of people will actually achieve their resolutions in any given year.
So if you truly want to change your life and reach your goals in the new year? You need to stop approaching it like the 80%, and start looking at what the >10% are doing differently.
You want long-term results
Now I’m going to make an assumption here – you’re not setting your resolutions with the intention of it lasting a few weeks or a couple of months. You want them to be your new reality – for many, many years to come. So what you want is a long-term result.
That’s why the detoxes, fad diets and bootcamps don’t do the trick for most people. They’re jumping into an approach that is designed to be short-term. That’s why you might look and feel great for a little bit, but then slip straight back into your usual habits.
So if the short-term options won’t work, what does?
There are two important pieces to this puzzle:
1. You have to be committed to consistency. That means that whatever you decide to do, you approach it knowing that this is something you’ll continue to do for years
2. You need a structured plan that suits your lifestyle and state of health. There’s no point in following a schedule that has you at the gym 6 days a week if you don’t have that kind of time free or haven’t worked out in years! You need something that meets you where you’re at.
This is where working with a qualified health professional makes a massive difference. We are able to assess your lifestyle and overall health, then create a plan that fits you.
You can be both a masterpiece and a work in progress!
Another area I often see people overlooking when setting their intentions for the New Year? Self-love and acceptance.
The focus is all on what is ‘wrong’ with you or ‘not good enough’. People believe they aren’t fit enough, healthy enough, thin enough… and that means they aren’t as worthy as those who they believe are.
But if you’re going to take a truly sustainable approach to your health? You need to consider your emotional and mental health as well. And that means learning to love yourself, or at the very least accept yourself as you are.
As the saying goes – you can be both a masterpiece and a work in progress! So you can still work on improving yourself and your health. But we want to do it from the perspective of improving on what is already ‘good enough’.
Let’s jump on a FREE Anti-Ageing Strategy Call to talk about how we can get you feeling amazing in the New Year and beyond!

Susie Garden
I help women feeling stressed, flat and older than they’d like regain their youthful energy and glow using a proven method so their natural beauty and confidence shines through.