How Can I Boost My Collagen Naturally?

How Can I Boost My Collagen Naturally?

Are you wondering how to give your collagen a helping hand? As we age, our collagen declines, contributing to the more visible signs of ageing such as wrinkles and reduced elasticity. But you do have options to support your collagen levels – and no, it’s not with an expensive skin cream!

What is collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It is composed of what we refer to as essential amino acids – meaning amino acids we have to consume through the diet as our bodies can’t make them.

There are different types of collagen found throughout the body, including:

  • Skin

  • Bones and joints

  • Corneas of the eyes

  • Blood vessels

  • Organs including the lungs, liver and kidneys

The skin contains around 40% of our total body collagen, which is why collagen is often referred to when it comes to skincare products and treatments.


Collagen is a big focus of the beauty industry and anti-ageing in general. You may even be using a face cream with collagen in it. Unfortunately, this is ineffective – you can’t actually absorb collagen through the skin, as the molecule is too big to cross over into the body! The only way you can get collagen into your system is by ingesting it.

Should I take a collagen supplement?

Right now, the jury is still out when it comes to the impact of taking collagen orally. There are some studies that suggest collagen supplements could improve skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles and increase hydration of the skin. But the research is still in the early stages, and many of the studies are done by collagen companies (so they may not be 100% unbiased!)

There’s certainly nothing wrong with using a collagen supplement – it is a good source of several essential amino acids. In fact, it may be useful for those who don’t consume many animal products to get in their glycine, proline and hydroxyproline (some of the building blocks for collagen). And studies into collagen supplements have not found any negative side effects.

But what may be more beneficial is supporting your body’s own collagen production.


So how do we encourage collagen production? This comes down to ensuring your body has everything it needs to form collagen. Along with the amino acids I mentioned earlier, your collagen cofactors include:

  • Vitamin C

  • Zinc

  • Vitamin B5

In fact, that’s a big part of why I included these nutrients and more in my healthy ageing supplement, Energy Glow NR. It contains ingredients specifically to maintain skin integrity & structure, support skin repair and overall skin health – plus so much more. You can learn more about Energy Glow NR here.

Other simple ways to support your collagen include:

Be sun-smart and use SPF on the face, neck and décolletage. UV exposure from the sun creates a less organised collagen structure, leading to the formation of wrinkles and a reduction in elasticity.

Eat plenty of fruit and veg. These contain vitamin C, as well as antioxidants that help to protect your skin and promote collagen production. Aim for a rainbow of colours – this gives you a broader spectrum of antioxidants and nutrients.

Get your beauty sleep. No, it’s not just a saying – sleep is when your body is busy making new collagen. So if you’re not getting plenty of rest, you don’t get the chance to restore collagen levels.


While the passing of time is inevitable, it’s possible to look AND feel young and vibrant again. To learn how this is possible, book yourself a FREE Anti-Ageing Strategy call here.

Susie Garden

I help women feeling stressed, flat and older than they’d like regain their youthful energy and glow using a proven method so their natural beauty and confidence shines through.

Anti-Ageing Skin Tips That You Have To Try

Anti-Ageing Skin Tips That You Have To Try

Do you love the thought of youthful, healthy skin for many years to come? While we can’t halt ageing, there are steps you can take to nourish & nurture your skin so it looks and feels younger for longer.

As a naturopath, these are my top anti-ageing skin tips that I not only recommend to my clients, but also implement myself.

Anti-Ageing Skin Tips That You Have To Try


As you age, your skin turnover slows down. By exfoliating on a regular basis, you help to remove the dead skin on the surface and make your skin smoother, brighter and clearer.

Keep in mind that more is not always better – over-exfoliating can make your skin vulnerable to sensitivity, irritation and even UV damage. So it’s best to stick to 1-2 times per week and tweak from there, depending on how your skin responds.

Personally, I am a massive fan of konjac sponges as an eco-friendly, non-toxic alternative.


UV rays are a massive cause of premature ageing, particularly UVA. Unfortunately, UVA is the form of UV ray that also penetrates through windows! That’s why it’s best to wear a sunscreen that protects against UVA damage, even if you’re mostly indoors.

The #1 ingredient to look out for when it comes to UVA protection? Zinc oxide. It is found in plenty of low-tox and natural sunscreen options, and for good reason – it’s one of two ingredients known to protect against UVA.

My go-to sunscreen is Grown Alchemist Hydrating Mineral Sunscreen SPF30. It contains zinc oxide, is all-natural, vegan AND it’s lightweight with no white cast.


Research suggests that polyphenols counteract ageing by preventing cell senescence (aka zombie cells) as well as potentially removing senescent cells that have already formed.

There are countless research articles that look into specific polyphenols for protecting against ageing. But my personal rule of thumb is to eat as many different brightly coloured fruit, vegetables & plants as possible! This allows you to get a wide variety of polyphenols and antioxidants that work on different anti-ageing pathways.


One of the big bad guys when it comes to ageing prematurely? AGEs (advanced glycation end products). These not only age your skin, but also contribute to inflammation, oxidative stress and even chronic disease like heart disease and diabetes.

So where do we find AGEs? The most common contributors to AGEs production are highly processed foods, refined carbohydrates and fried foods. So if you’re eating lots of treats, sweets, takeaway and other indulgences, it’s time to make some changes for your skin’s sake.


If you’ve looked into anti-ageing skin advice, you’ll know that supporting collagen is one of the most important tips. But to do this, we need to get the vital nutrients that support collagen production in on a daily basis.

Collagen cofactors include:

  • Vitamin C

  • Zinc

  • Vitamin B5

In fact, that’s a big part of why I included these nutrients and more in my healthy ageing supplement, Energy Glow NR. It contains ingredients specifically to maintain skin integrity & structure, support skin repair and overall skin health – plus so much more. You can learn more about Energy Glow NR here.


While the passing of time is inevitable, it’s possible to look AND feel young and vibrant again. To learn how this is possible, book yourself a FREE Anti-Ageing Strategy call here.

Susie Garden

I help women feeling stressed, flat and older than they’d like regain their youthful energy and glow using a proven method so their natural beauty and confidence shines through.

What Is Your Skin Telling You About Your Health?

What Is Your Skin Telling You About Your Health?

Did you know that your skin is a messenger? Although it might be on the surface, skin health is a reflection of what is happening internally – for better and for worse. So if your skin has been playing up lately, let’s look at some of the messages it might have for you.

What Is Your Skin Telling You About Your Health?

Adult breakouts

Remember how relieved you were when you hit your 20s and your teen blemishes faded away? Well unfortunately, adults are not immune to breakouts. So if your skin has been as rebellious as a teenager, it’s time to pay attention.

The most likely culprit behind adult acne? Hormone imbalances. When your hormones are thrown off, your skin produces more sebum (oil) and you’re more prone to inflammation.

This could be a diagnosed hormone imbalance such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), perimenopause, or just a general imbalance caused by factors such as stress and low nutrition.

Pale skin

Noticed that your skin is paler compared to usual? Unless you’ve given up the fake tan or gone from sunbaking to staying inside, this is an important skin sign to watch out for.

The most common reason for pale skin? Anaemia – which may be caused by iron deficiency and/or B12 deficiency. Around 15% of women experience anaemia, and it often goes undiagnosed.

Another potential cause is hypothyroidism. Around 10% of women are estimated to be affected, but the risk increases with age. Hypothyroidism is also underdiagnosed, so the rate may be even higher than we realise. It also comes with symptoms including weight gain, intolerance to cold, fatigue and brain fog.

Dry skin

Another common symptom for skin, particularly as you age, is dry skin. Some of this is unavoidable – older skin has fewer oil and sweat glands, which can leave you more prone to dryness rather than oily skin.

But there are also factors that can prematurely age (and dry) your skin, including:

  • Excess sun exposure

  • Smoking

  • Stress

  • Dehydration

  • Low omega 3 intake

Another factor to consider? An underactive thyroid. Nearly 3/4 of people with hypothyroidism report dry skin as a symptom. This is because the process of skin turnover slows down, leading to the accumulation of dry, flaky skin on the surface.

Wrinkles, fine lines and age spots

These might be obvious symptoms of ageing – but if you notice that your skin ages faster than you do, it’s a message from the body.

Premature ageing is a common concern these days. It can include skin signs such as wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and dull skin. But you could also see other signs such as:

  • Weight gain

  • Low energy levels

  • Brain fog

  • Body aches & pains

  • Reduced muscle mass

It also comes with an increased risk of chronic disease – think type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and even cancer.

We know there are 3 big drivers behind premature ageing, which I cover in more detail here. To keep it simple – inflammation is the big baddie behind it all, and we are living in a world that makes a state of inflammation our default. If you want to learn more about why your skin is ageing and how you can hit the brakes, make sure you give this article a read.

Dark circles under the eyes

As you age, you become more prone to dark circles under the eyes. But there are other controllable factors at play, including sleep, stress, hydration and even lymphatic drainage. It could also indicate that you’re suffering from allergies or intolerances of some kind.

It’s important to note that there is a genetic component to dark circles under the eyes. This can be due to bone structure and pigment production. But that doesn’t mean you can’t reduce the appearance by working on your skin health & hydration!

Dreaming that you could turn back the clock?

While the passing of time is inevitable, it’s possible to look AND feel young and vibrant again. To learn how this is possible, book yourself a FREE Anti-Ageing Strategy call here.

Hi, I’m Susie.

I help women feeling stressed, flat and older than they’d like regain their youthful energy and glow using a proven method so their natural beauty and confidence shines through.

Looking for a recipe?

Susie Garden

I help women feeling stressed, flat and older than they’d like regain their youthful energy and glow using a proven method so their natural beauty and confidence shines through.

Simple Nutrition Tips For Healthy, Glowing Skin

Simple Nutrition Tips For Healthy, Glowing Skin

Do you wish your skin was clear, calm and youthful? You don’t need to spend hundreds or even thousands on skin treatments, masks and cosmetic procedures – it all starts with some simple nutrition tweaks.

If you’re after healthy, glowing skin, this is what you want to focus on.

Simple Nutrition Tips For Healthy, Glowing Skin

Drink plenty of fresh filtered water

It might be on the surface, but your skin relies on what your body provides just like any other organ in the body. For healthy skin, it needs plenty of nutrition, functional detoxification pathways and of course hydration. And all of these essential mechanisms rely on having plenty of water in the body.

Dehydration can contribute to a host of skin-related symptoms including:

  • Dry, itchy or rough skin

  • Fine lines

  • Dull complexion

  • Reduced elasticity

  • Fragile skin that is easily damaged

So do your skin a favour and go drink a big glass of water ASAP!

Don’t fear fats

Or at least don’t fear healthy fats – think fats such as avocado, ghee, coconut oil & olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids such as those found in fish.

Essential fatty acids build the membranes of your cells, keeping them happy and healthy. Plus they also support the skin’s natural barrier, helping to keep your skin hydrated, plumper, and younger looking.

Omega 3s have some additional benefits to offer. For example, they can protect against sun damage & reduce inflammation. For those who dislike fish or are plant-based, you can include chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds and walnuts.

But do avoid this fat at all costs!

The one type of fat that can sabotage your skin health? Industrial trans fats – aka vegetable oils that are chemically altered to be solid at room temperature. Trans fats can drive systemic inflammation, which is bad news for your skin.

You’ll find these fats in highly processed foods, take-away (particularly fried food from restaurants that reuse frying oil!) and any food that lists ‘partially hydrogenated oil’ as an ingredient.

Unfortunately, in Australia, manufacturers are not required to declare trans fats on the nutrition label. The only time they must list it is if they make a nutrition content claim about cholesterol, saturated, trans, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, or any of the omega fatty acids.

So your best bet is to stick to a diet of 80-90% wholefoods, and choose your ‘treat’ foods wisely.

Up the vitamin E

All vitamins & minerals benefit your skin in one way or another, but if I had to pick out one super-nutrient to touch on, it would have to be vitamin E.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient, meaning you need to consume it with fat to absorb the goodness. It has anti-inflammatory properties, counteracts UV damage thanks to its antioxidant properties, and reduces premature ageing and cell damage.

How can you increase your intake? Through plant-based foods that are rich in healthy fats. Reach for almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds and avocado. The best part is that these contain fat already, so your body will absorb more of the vitamin E.

Eat your fruit & veg

Fruit and vegetables have so much to offer us in terms of health benefits. But when it comes to skin, the biggest benefit is as a source of antioxidants.

For example, beta-carotene, found in orange and yellow produce, protects your skin against UV rays and premature ageing. Other antioxidants that support healthy skin include vitamin C, lutein and lycopene.

The easiest way to make sure that you get plenty of skin-loving antioxidants? Choose a variety of different coloured fruits & veg – this will give you a wide spectrum of antioxidants (not to mention plenty of fibre, vitamins & minerals!)

Start from the inside out

One of the most important steps you can take for your skin is to optimise your internal health – particularly your gut. If you think about it, your digestive tract is responsible for:

  • Digesting nutrients so they are able to be absorbed

  • Absorbing nutrients into the bloodstream

  • Removing toxins and excess hormones that can affect your skin

  • Supporting your immune system (including the regulation of inflammation)

In fact, all of the other tips listed above rely on these actions to happen. So if you’re going to do just one thing for your skin’s sake, it has to be focusing on a healthy gut.

Need some tips on how to get your insides balanced again? Make sure you give this article a read.

Dreaming that you could turn back the clock?

While the passing of time is inevitable, it’s possible to look AND feel young and vibrant again. To learn how this is possible, book yourself a FREE Anti-Ageing Strategy call here.

Hi, I’m Susie.

I help women feeling stressed, flat and older than they’d like regain their youthful energy and glow using a proven method so their natural beauty and confidence shines through.

Looking for a recipe?

Susie Garden

I help women feeling stressed, flat and older than they’d like regain their youthful energy and glow using a proven method so their natural beauty and confidence shines through.

Why You Want To Activate AMPK For Healthy Ageing

Why You Want To Activate AMPK For Healthy Ageing

Have you heard of the anti-ageing enzyme, AMPK? This molecule is attracting a lot of attention when it comes to health benefits. Let’s explore how it works in the body and the easiest way to activate it to support healthy ageing.

What is AMPK?

AMPK stands for AMP-activated kinase, and is an enzyme found in the human body. Scientists who have studied AMPK describe it as a nutrient and energy sensor. It works to maintain the balance of glucose and lipid metabolism & how the body processes these nutrients.

The mechanisms of AMPK have attracted a lot of attention in the research world for metabolic disease such as type 2 diabetes, obesity and even cancer.


There are many properties and functions of AMPK, including:

  • Suppressing chronic inflammation (and therefore inflammaging)

  • Improving insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance – this also means it can reverse insulin resistance

  • Decreasing body fat mass

  • Suppressing inflammatory cytokines

  • Promoting autophagy – the process that allows for the regular turnover of cells in the body

  • Enhancing mitochondrial function – as mitochondria are the powerhouses of cells, this promotes energy production on a cellular level

  • Regulating immune function

That’s a pretty impressive list of actions for a single enzyme! But AMPK also acts on sirtuins, which is another way it could promote longevity and a longer healthspan.

In case you missed my previous blog on the benefits of sirtuins, they can:

  • Reduce stress

  • Protect against insulin resistance

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Repair DNA instability and damage e.g. from smoking or sun exposure

  • Boost memory

  • Increase exercise endurance

  • Reduce the risk of depression

  • Support optimal metabolism & help maintain a healthy body weight regardless of food intake

 So by activating your AMPK, you’re getting twice as many healthy ageing benefits!

How can I activate AMPK?

The research is ongoing when it comes to AMPK, but there are a few ways we know to activate it.

The first is to deprive your cells of energy, as this causes them to boost AMPK. You could practise fasting or restrict calories – in fact, the AMPK boost may explain why calorie restriction has been linked to a longer lifespan.

Exercise is also a way to increase AMPK. Both strength training and cardio exercise have been linked to increases in AMPK, as skeletal muscles need greater insulin sensitivity to fuel the movement. The higher the intensity, the greater the activation.

A tasty way to support AMPK is to increase your intake of soluble fibre, such as that found in oats and apples. Soluble fibre has been shown to act on AMPK activation in the digestive tract.

If you are on medication such as metformin for diabetes or PCOS, this is activating AMPK. In fact, it’s how the drug works to increase insulin sensitivity.

Then we come to my favourite molecule, NAD+. NAD activates AMPK production, as well as acting on sirtuins, mTOR and other anti-ageing mechanisms. Unfortunately, NAD production significantly drops with age, increasing the risk of age-related disease.


Simply taking NAD supplements is not effective, as the NAD molecule is too large to enter the cells. That’s where precursors that convert to NAD are the better option.

The precursor with the most human data and clinical trials to date is NR. Research shows that NR supplementation can increase NAD levels by up to 60% in middle-aged and older adults.

This is why NR is the star ingredient in my innovative new supplement, Energy Glow NR. If you’re looking for a simple way to support your NAD levels and sirtuin activation, learn more about Energy Glow NR here.

Susie Garden

I help women feeling stressed, flat and older than they’d like regain their youthful energy and glow using a proven method so their natural beauty and confidence shines through.

Activate Your Sirtuins – The Body’s Own Anti-Ageing Proteins

Activate Your Sirtuins – The Body’s Own Anti-Ageing Proteins

Do you ever wish you could turn back the clock and feel young again? Well the good news is that your body has anti-ageing proteins known as sirtuins that can do exactly that! Let’s dive into how sirtuin activation can protect you against ageing and chronic disease naturally.

What are sirtuins?

To understand sirtuins, we need to do a quick refresher on DNA. Every cell in your body contains the same DNA – no matter what type of cell it is. But there is something known as the epigenome which instructs each cell what it’s going to be and what it’s going to do. This is also where you can ‘turn on’ or ‘turn off’ genes.

This is where sirtuins come into play. Sirtuins are a group of signalling proteins that help to control the epigenome, and from there, how your DNA is expressed. And one of the big factors they help to regulate on a genetic level? You guessed it – ageing.

Sirtuins can:

  • Reduce stress

  • Protect against insulin resistance

  • Reduce inflammation (and therefore inflammaging)

  • Repairs DNA instability and damage e.g. from smoking or sun exposure

  • Boost memory

  • Increase exercise endurance

  • Reduce the risk of depression

  • Support optimal metabolism & help maintain a healthy body weight regardless of food intake

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why we would want to turn these signals up!


NAD+ acts as fuel for sirtuins. Unfortunately, NAD decreases as we age – with estimates of 50% reduction by the time you reach age 50.

This reduction of NAD leads to a big drop in sirtuin activity. Researchers believe that this is the primary reason why we develop age-related diseases such as osteoporosis, frailty (loss of muscle mass) and macular degeneration. It also contributes to:

  • More inflammation

  • More DNA damage

  • Memory loss

  • Reduced tolerance to exercise

  • Lower metabolism

  • Greater vulnerability to stress

But although this is bad news, the exciting thing is that it means we can tackle the major cause of age-related disease at the root!

How to activate your sirtuins

So now you know why we want sirtuins – let’s talk about how to activate them and turn back the biological clock! It’s easy to turn them up by using tools such as:

  • Specific foods in the diet to support production (this is the premise of the Sirtfood diet that Adele famously used to transform her body and health)

  • Exercise

  • Fasting and fast mimicking diets (keep in mind fasting may not be ideal if your hormones are imbalanced or you’re under significant stress)

  • Hot and cold therapy

It’s important to note that not all of these will be feasible for everyone. I’ve done ice baths and let me tell you, they are full-on and painful! Starving yourself every other day, cold showers and ice baths are not everyone’s cup of tea.

This is where supplementation may be an easier option to implement. To boost sirtuin activity, we want to increase our NAD levels. But simply taking NAD supplements is not effective, as the NAD molecule is too large to enter the cells. That’s where precursors that convert to NAD are the better option.

The precursor with the most human data and clinical trials to date is NR. Research shows that NR supplementation can increase NAD levels by up to 60% in middle-aged and older adults.

This is why NR is the star ingredient in my innovative new supplement, Energy Glow NR. If you’re looking for a simple way to support your NAD levels and sirtuin activation, learn more about Energy Glow NR here.

Susie Garden

I help women feeling stressed, flat and older than they’d like regain their youthful energy and glow using a proven method so their natural beauty and confidence shines through.