Q&A with Naturopath Susie – I’ve changed jobs – why are my hot flushes worse??

Q&A with Naturopath Susie – I’ve changed jobs – why are my hot flushes worse??


Q&A with Naturopath Susie – I’ve changed jobs – why are my hot flushes worse??



A great question from Linda in Adelaide today. She’s recently changed jobs and has found her hot flushes have increased – what the???

Join me as I explain the current theory as to why hot flushes occur and why they may have increased for Linda. PLUS of course I have some helpful tips you can implement today if this is an issue yo’re having too.


Want my Eight Essential Age -Defying Secrets Every Woman Over 40 Should Know? Of course you do! Click here and download now.


About Your Host: Susie Garden

I help women feeling stressed, flat and older than they’d like regain their youthful energy and glow using a proven method so their natural beauty and confidence shines through.

Understanding The Gut-Skin Connection

Understanding The Gut-Skin Connection

Woman with brain fog

In recent years, researchers have uncovered a fascinating connection between the gut and the skin. Referred to as the gut-skin connection, this bi-directional relationship has emerged as an exciting field of research. Let’s shed some light on this connection and its implications for our health. By understanding how gut issues and inflammation can impact the skin, we can take proactive steps to get that skin glowing and promote optimal well-being.

The Gut-Skin Connection

The gut-skin connection operates in both directions, with the gut influencing the skin and vice versa. Gut issues, such as bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, and medically diagnosed conditions like IBS, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease, can sometimes reflect in the skin by causing inflammation. This inflammation often manifests as various skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea, acne, rashes, and itchiness.

Leaky Gut and Increased Intestinal Permeability

The root cause of gut-related skin inflammation lies in a phenomenon known as increased intestinal permeability or ‘leaky gut’. Intestinal permeability refers to the ability of nutrients and water to pass through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. Under normal circumstances, tight junctions in the intestinal lining prevent the passage of unwanted molecules.

However, when gut inflammation is present, these tight junctions may become slightly more permeable, allowing clusters of molecules to pass through. This should not happen under normal circumstances, and the presence of these molecules or microbial components in the bloodstream triggers an immune response. Symptoms such as brain fog, skin inflammation, and various other manifestations may occur as a result.

Menopause and Perimenopause:

During menopause and perimenopause, the fluctuating levels of estrogen can contribute to increased intestinal permeability. Estrogen fluctuations, particularly the periods of decreased estrogen, can exacerbate leaky gut and skin conditions. Skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea are commonly associated with these hormonal changes. Factors such as stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, certain medications (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and alcohol consumption can further contribute to increased intestinal permeability, compounding the skin issues experienced during menopause and perimenopause.

Additional Considerations:

Beyond hormonal changes, factors such as low stomach acid, poor digestion, and dietary choices can impact gut health and skin conditions. Low stomach acid and poor digestion have been reported in a significant number of acne sufferers. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the effectiveness of digestive processes and ensure proper breakdown of food through adequate chewing and mindful eating habits. Conditions like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) can also influence skin health, with SIBO increasing the risk of rosacea.


Recognizing the profound influence of the gut-skin connection on our overall health is essential, especially for women going through menopause and perimenopause. By addressing gut health issues and promoting intestinal healing, we can reduce skin inflammation, have glowing skin and improve our well-being. Identifying problematic foods through a food journal and seeking professional guidance for gut healing strategies, rather than resorting to self-administered probiotics, are some of the steps to take. Additionally, prioritising hydration, quality sleep and stress management can further improve overall skin health.

This is the first in a series of skin health posts where I’ll dive deeper into topics such as wrinkles, sagging, and collagen loss to provide more support and advice. Remember, the journey to optimal skin health begins with small but meaningful steps, such as eliminating problematic foods and embracing habits that promote a healthy gut and radiant skin.

Of course, this is general advice and not a personalised protocol. If you’re look for a more personalised approach and a protocol with the EXACT strategy for your individual biochemistry, then click this link to learn more.

Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

How To Lose Weight Without Ageing Overnight

How To Lose Weight Without Ageing Overnight

How To Lose Weight Without Ageing Overnight

So many women want to know how to lose weight – but in a way that doesn’t make them look or feel older. Unfortunately, many weight loss programs out there aren’t set up to help you shift excess kilos in a sustainable way, nor do they care how you look afterwards! In fact, rapid weight loss will often lead to premature ageing.

But the good news is that you don’t have to choose between a healthy body weight and a youthful appearance. With these tips, you can work towards your weight loss goals and skip the premature ageing.

How To Lose Weight Without Ageing Overnight

Focus on nourishing foods

Most of the diets out there are focused on what you can’t have. All they do is deprive you, and set you up to fail the first time that a craving overcomes your willpower!

So if you want to know how to lose weight successfully? It’s time to turn this around and instead, make your priority to incorporate more nutrition into your day.

The easiest way to do this is by including a wide variety of wholefoods, including:

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Beans and legumes
  • Herbs and spices
  • Wholegrains such as oats
  • Dairy if you tolerate it (goat milk products are often better tolerated)
  • Eggs
  • Fish and shellfish
  • High-quality poultry and red meat

Not only will this make weight loss easier, but it will also provide you with key anti-ageing nutrients. And if that’s not enough, it also naturally crowds out less healthy options.

Psst – worried you’re not getting enough nutrition in to keep yourself youthful? Make sure you check out my healthy ageing supplement, Energy Glow NR. It contains ingredients specifically to maintain skin integrity & structure, support skin repair and overall skin health – plus so much more. You can learn more about Energy Glow NR here.

Incorporate strength training

A common cause of premature ageing during weight loss is reduced muscle mass. Muscles help us to stay younger and fitter for longer, so we want to hold onto them for as long as possible!

Too many women still believe that strength training will make them big and bulky. But strength training is one of the best forms of exercise for supporting a higher metabolism (so you can eat more food!) as well as preventing premature ageing.

Include at least 1-2 strength training sessions per week. This could include weight lifting, body weight exercise or even hobbies that incorporate strength training such as pole-dancing.

Don’t make it a race

When people are looking at how to lose weight, they often focus on losing as much as possible in a short period of time. But rapid weight loss will not only be unsustainable for most people – it also contributes to premature ageing.

That’s why it’s better to work on slow, sustainable weight loss. Not only does this increase your chance of maintaining your new weight, it also reduces the risk of muscle loss and gives your skin time to adjust to your body changes.

Prioritise hydration

Dehydration is one of the quickest ways to prematurely age your skin – and the rest of your body suffers just as much! Unfortunately, a lot of quick-fix diets and fads tend to dehydrate you.

Hydration is about two key factors:

  1. Drinking enough water (filtered is best)
  2. Including a balance of electrolytes that help you to utilise the water

The good news is that the latter will fall into place when you focus on eating mostly wholefoods. To boost your water intake, don’t just drink plain water – include water-rich fruit and vegetables, drink herbal teas, and even make yourself a smoothie! All of this adds up to more hydration for your skin and other organs.

Manage your stress levels

Chronic stress is a major driver of inflammation and inflammaging. So if you want to look and feel younger for longer, it’s critical that you manage your stress levels. This is even more vital when losing weight, as dropping body fat is a form of stress for the body.

Incorporate strategies such as yoga, deep breathing, meditation and hobbies such as gardening to help process your stress.

Skip the ageing accelerators

The last thing you want to do during this time of change is add more ageing factors into the mix! So ditch the common ageing accelerators, including:

By incorporating these strategies, you’re setting yourself up for success – not only in losing excess body fat, but in looking and feeling youthful in the process!

Want to drop the excess kilos without looking or feeling older? There is a way!

Stop Googling how to lose weight (because let’s face it, there’s so much misinformation out there!)

Instead, let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you looking AND feeling amazing.

Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

Rapid Weight Loss Ages You – Let’s Look At Why

Rapid Weight Loss Ages You – Let’s Look At Why

Rapid Weight Loss Can Age You - Let's Look At Why

Have you ever worried about the side effects of losing weight? Women in their 30s, 40s and beyond can experience a massive change in their appearance when they lose weight rapidly – and not always in a good way. Let’s look at why rapid weight loss can cause premature ageing.

Why does rapid weight loss age you?

There are several key ways that rapid weight loss contributes to premature ageing.

Reduction in muscle mass

Firstly, when you lose weight rapidly, you’re not just losing fat. Quick weight loss methods also contribute to the loss of muscle mass. As your muscle mass drops, your body composition will alter (and your metabolism will also change, by the way!)

This means that you’ll have reduced strength, endurance and overall fitness, which can make you feel older. But it can also lead to changes to your posture and the shape of your body. These can all add up to both looking and feeling older.

Changes to skin elasticity

Another common experience when you lose weight quickly is a loss in elasticity. To put it simply, if you lose weight fast, your skin doesn’t have the time needed to adjust to the change in body composition. As a result, you’re more likely to have sagging skin and wrinkles.

This tends to be most noticeable in the face. Depending on how much weight you lose and your genetics, you may see new wrinkles, crows lines, a hollow area under the eyes and gaunt cheeks.


One often overlooked contributor to premature ageing with weight loss is dehydration. This is particularly common if you’re not consciously increasing your water intake, getting insufficient electrolytes or even restricting carbohydrates (such as a keto diet).

Why does this make such a big difference? Dehydration can cause dry, dull skin. It becomes more prone to wrinkles and other forms of damage that make you look older than you are.

Nutrient deficiencies

Weight loss diets are often deficient in key nutrients that keep you healthy and youthful. And as we know, if you’re not getting these nutrients in, premature ageing won’t be far behind! This is common in diets that restrict food groups or are too low in fat (because fat is a must for a healthy, youthful appearance!)

Want to make sure you’re getting plenty of healthy ageing nutrients? Make sure you check out my healthy ageing supplement, Energy Glow NR. It contains ingredients specifically to maintain skin integrity & structure, support skin repair and overall skin health – plus so much more. You can learn more about Energy Glow NR here.


Last but far from least, rapid weight loss puts a massive stress load onto your body. Once you add on all of your other forms of stress – work, family, responsibilities, the daily commute, the list goes on – it becomes a big problem.

Chronic stress feeds into inflammation and inflammaging, which is the biggest driver of premature ageing.

How can I avoid this side effect?

The good news is that you can have your weight-loss cake and eat it too! Despite what the Hollywood stories might say, you don’t have to choose between your face and your body.

Stay tuned for the next blog, where I’ll give you actionable steps for how you can lose weight without looking older.

Don’t opt for rapid weight loss fads that prematurely age you – there’s a better way!

Let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you looking AND feeling amazing.


Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

How To Make 2023 Your ‘Year Of Youth’

How To Make 2023 Your ‘Year Of Youth’


How To Make 2023 Your ‘Year Of Youth’



The past few years have left many of us feeling drained, overwhelmed and older than we’d like. But you can make 2023 your Year Of Youth – a time for focusing on feeling energised, motivated and youthful in mind and body. In this week’s ep I outline my simple 4 step plan to help you make the most of 2023.

If you’re really wanting to up your game then check out my signature program, The Glow Protocol™️ and book in for your complimentary Anti-Ageing/Weight Loss Call to find out how I might be able to support you.

About Your Host: Susie Garden

I help women feeling stressed, flat and older than they’d like regain their youthful energy and glow using a proven method so their natural beauty and confidence shines through.