Keto For Women Over 40 – Everything You Need To Know

Keto For Women Over 40 – Everything You Need To Know

Keto For Women Over 40 – Everything You Need To Know

One of the biggest diet trends around is a low-carb or ketogenic diet. But is it all it’s cracked up to be, particularly for those of us moving through perimenopause? Let’s take a closer look at keto for women over 40 and what you need to consider.

Keto For Women Over 40

What is a ketogenic diet?

A ketogenic diet, or keto, is a low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein approach to eating. The goal is to restrict dietary carbohydrates enough to switch the body’s energy system. Depending on your body’s needs and unique chemistry, you could be looking at 50, 30 or even 20g of net carbohydrates (total carbohydrates minus any fibre content) per day.

So what happens when you switch energy systems? When you’re consuming carbohydrates, glucose is the main fuel source. But when you remove these from the diet, the body is forced to create a different form of energy. This energy source is known as ‘ketones’. When ketones are your primary source of energy, you enter a state called nutritional ketosis (not to be mistaken with ketoacidosis, a rare and serious condition that can occur in those with diabetes)

Generally speaking, those on a keto diet will be omnivorous – eating both animal and plant products. Although you could follow a vegetarian or vegan keto diet, they tend to be far more restrictive and require supplements to prevent deficiencies.

Being in a state of ketosis may lead to:

  • Weight loss (partly due to fluid loss)
  • Reduced appetite
  • Improvement in blood sugar regulation
  • Improvement in blood cholesterol levels

However, it also has a host of potential downsides – and I’m not just referring to the ‘keto flu’ you might experience as your energy systems switch over!

Why I don’t recommend keto for women over 40

Now that you know what keto is all about, let’s talk about why it’s not something I recommend to my clients.

Firstly, a keto diet is restrictive by nature. You’re looking at eating 20-30g of net carbs per day, which takes a lot of ingredients off the table – including some pretty nourishing ones!

This can have a big impact on your mindset and set you up for failure. Your focus is on depriving yourself, which can turn your brain into a rebellious teenager. So as soon as there is a tempting plate of your favourite carbs at a party, you’ll end up diving in and beating yourself up for it afterwards.

Then we also need to look at keto’s impact on hormones. One reason that keto for women over 40 is a problem is the effect on the thyroid gland. Very low carb diets can impact on thyroid function, reducing thyroid hormones. Perimenopausal women are already more prone to thyroid conditions due to hormonal shifts, so a keto diet may not be ideal.

Very low carb diets can also suppress the production of leptin. Studies suggest that we need a certain level of leptin for optimal menstrual cycles. Once you add a keto diet in on top of menstrual dysregulation from perimenopause, you’ve got a recipe for severe symptoms!

There is also a lot of concern about how keto may affect the gut and microbiome long-term. As carb intake is down, fibre is often on the lower side as well. This can have significant impact on the balance of good and bad microbes found in the gut.

Is there any situation where keto for women over 40 be a good idea?

Small bursts of ketosis might not be a problem for some women. If you’ve got an event you’d like to drop some weight for within 2-4 weeks, keto might be a solution. But as with any health consideration, I’d much prefer that we get you down to your optimal weight with long-term, sustainable eating habits!

What’s the alternative?

So if you’d like all of the benefits of a ketogenic diet without having to ditch carbs or suffer through the side effects, what’s left?

For women over 40, a moderate carb diet that is high in protein and fibre may be more sustainable. It also counteracts many of the issues experienced with keto. And of course, I will always recommend eating plenty of wholefoods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants!

Want to learn more about how to drop some weight without resorting to fad diets like keto? Make sure you give this blog a read.

Ditch the quick fixes and transform your body the right way!

Let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you looking AND feeling amazing.

Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

How To Lose Weight Healthily (No Fad Diets In Sight!)

How To Lose Weight Healthily (No Fad Diets In Sight!)

How To Lose Weight Healthily (No Fad Diets In Sight!)

When a new year rolls around, many of us start thinking about how we can live a healthier lifestyle. Weight loss is one of the most common goals set during January. But instead of reaching for the latest fad diet, I encourage you to look at how you can lose weight healthily – because healthy weight loss is sustainable weight loss.

Let’s look at what you can do to lose weight without resorting to calorie restriction or crazy exercise regimes.

Tips to lose weight healthily in 2023

Add in the nourishing foods

Most fad diets will have you cut foods out. Whether it’s cutting carbs for keto, cutting fat, or restricting calories in general, it’s a miserable way to live! But the good news is you can switch up this mindset and focus on including more nourishing foods.

Why does this work?

  • Wholefoods contain more micronutrients that fuel your body’s metabolism
  • They are packed with fibre and protein that keep you satiated
  • Nourishing wholefoods also help to reduce inflammation that can contribute to insulin resistance, thyroid disease and other weight saboteurs

So fill your plate up with foods such as:

  • Eggs and dairy (sheep’s dairy is often better tolerated)
  • Fish and seafood
  • High-quality meat and poultry
  • Beans and legumes
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Wholegrains and pseudograins
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Herbs and spices

Start by aiming for 80% wholefoods and 20% bonus foods that you enjoy.

Even if you make it a rule to have these foods as 80% of your intake, you’ll be well on your way to a healthy weight.

Find fun ways to move your body

Exercise is a must for so many reasons – not just to optimise your body composition! But there’s nothing worse than working out in a way that you loathe.

So if you hate the gym or going for jogs? I give you full permission to break up with those forms of movement! When you do physical activity you don’t enjoy, you’ll take any excuse to not do them.

So what’s the solution? Find a fun way to move and incorporate it on a regular basis! You might like to try out some different classes and hobbies to find the right fit.

Once you know your form of movement, aim for 2-3 movement sessions per week to begin with.

Put yourself to bed early

If your goal is to lose weight healthily, you need to look into more than just nutrition and exercise. A commonly skipped piece of the puzzle? Getting plenty of high-quality rest.

In fact, poor sleep can sabotage your weight loss efforts. If your nutrition and exercise are in place but you’re not sleeping well, your results can plateau.

Why does poor sleep impact on weight loss? There are a few factors at play, including:

  • Lower tolerance for stress and elevated cortisol levels, which can impact your thyroid function
  • Increased hunger hormones, leading to more calories being consumed
  • Reduced insulin sensitivity and higher insulin resistance, contributing to more cravings for sweet, unhealthy food choices

An easy way to tell if you’re getting enough sleep? Do a quick assessment of how you feel when you wake up.

Do you feel energised and ready to jump into your day? Or are you instantly reaching for the coffee pot to give yourself a jumpstart? If it’s the latter, there’s a good chance your sleep quality and/or quality is lacking.

Stay zen

Another overlooked saboteur? Stress! Unfortunately, the human body can’t tell the difference between being attacked by a wild animal and your boss piling even more work on your overloaded plate. So it kicks in with protective mechanisms such as:

  • Increasing your appetite
  • Giving you more sweet, junk food cravings for that quick energy hit
  • Making your cells resistant to insulin
  • Slowing down your metabolic rate by reducing your thyroid function
  • Storing as much energy as possible into the body, particularly around the abdomen

So if you want to lose weight healthily, it’s time to assess your stress. You might not be able to cut out all sources, but you can work on improving your stress resilience (psst – this is something I teach my clients all about!)

Get accountable

To lose weight healthily, you can’t just do something once. You need habits and systems set up to keep up your healthy patterns.

Unfortunately, we do tend to slip back into the more comfortable – UberEats after a hard day, skipping the workout, scrolling Instagram past midnight. That’s why accountability & support from an external source is critical for most people to make lasting change.

This could be as simple as enlisting a friend or your partner for workouts and meal planning. Or if you want to really make big changes with zero excuses, it might be time to bring in a health expert who can not only tailor your healthy living plan, but also keep you motivated when life gets tough.

This is exactly why my Glow Protocol clients see amazing results within weeks of beginning their program!

Ditch the quick fixes and transform your body the right way!

Let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you looking AND feeling amazing.

Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

How To Lose Weight Without Ageing Overnight

How To Lose Weight Without Ageing Overnight

How To Lose Weight Without Ageing Overnight

So many women want to know how to lose weight – but in a way that doesn’t make them look or feel older. Unfortunately, many weight loss programs out there aren’t set up to help you shift excess kilos in a sustainable way, nor do they care how you look afterwards! In fact, rapid weight loss will often lead to premature ageing.

But the good news is that you don’t have to choose between a healthy body weight and a youthful appearance. With these tips, you can work towards your weight loss goals and skip the premature ageing.

How To Lose Weight Without Ageing Overnight

Focus on nourishing foods

Most of the diets out there are focused on what you can’t have. All they do is deprive you, and set you up to fail the first time that a craving overcomes your willpower!

So if you want to know how to lose weight successfully? It’s time to turn this around and instead, make your priority to incorporate more nutrition into your day.

The easiest way to do this is by including a wide variety of wholefoods, including:

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Beans and legumes
  • Herbs and spices
  • Wholegrains such as oats
  • Dairy if you tolerate it (goat milk products are often better tolerated)
  • Eggs
  • Fish and shellfish
  • High-quality poultry and red meat

Not only will this make weight loss easier, but it will also provide you with key anti-ageing nutrients. And if that’s not enough, it also naturally crowds out less healthy options.

Psst – worried you’re not getting enough nutrition in to keep yourself youthful? Make sure you check out my healthy ageing supplement, Energy Glow NR. It contains ingredients specifically to maintain skin integrity & structure, support skin repair and overall skin health – plus so much more. You can learn more about Energy Glow NR here.

Incorporate strength training

A common cause of premature ageing during weight loss is reduced muscle mass. Muscles help us to stay younger and fitter for longer, so we want to hold onto them for as long as possible!

Too many women still believe that strength training will make them big and bulky. But strength training is one of the best forms of exercise for supporting a higher metabolism (so you can eat more food!) as well as preventing premature ageing.

Include at least 1-2 strength training sessions per week. This could include weight lifting, body weight exercise or even hobbies that incorporate strength training such as pole-dancing.

Don’t make it a race

When people are looking at how to lose weight, they often focus on losing as much as possible in a short period of time. But rapid weight loss will not only be unsustainable for most people – it also contributes to premature ageing.

That’s why it’s better to work on slow, sustainable weight loss. Not only does this increase your chance of maintaining your new weight, it also reduces the risk of muscle loss and gives your skin time to adjust to your body changes.

Prioritise hydration

Dehydration is one of the quickest ways to prematurely age your skin – and the rest of your body suffers just as much! Unfortunately, a lot of quick-fix diets and fads tend to dehydrate you.

Hydration is about two key factors:

  1. Drinking enough water (filtered is best)
  2. Including a balance of electrolytes that help you to utilise the water

The good news is that the latter will fall into place when you focus on eating mostly wholefoods. To boost your water intake, don’t just drink plain water – include water-rich fruit and vegetables, drink herbal teas, and even make yourself a smoothie! All of this adds up to more hydration for your skin and other organs.

Manage your stress levels

Chronic stress is a major driver of inflammation and inflammaging. So if you want to look and feel younger for longer, it’s critical that you manage your stress levels. This is even more vital when losing weight, as dropping body fat is a form of stress for the body.

Incorporate strategies such as yoga, deep breathing, meditation and hobbies such as gardening to help process your stress.

Skip the ageing accelerators

The last thing you want to do during this time of change is add more ageing factors into the mix! So ditch the common ageing accelerators, including:

By incorporating these strategies, you’re setting yourself up for success – not only in losing excess body fat, but in looking and feeling youthful in the process!

Want to drop the excess kilos without looking or feeling older? There is a way!

Stop Googling how to lose weight (because let’s face it, there’s so much misinformation out there!)

Instead, let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you looking AND feeling amazing.

Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

Rapid Weight Loss Ages You – Let’s Look At Why

Rapid Weight Loss Ages You – Let’s Look At Why

Rapid Weight Loss Can Age You - Let's Look At Why

Have you ever worried about the side effects of losing weight? Women in their 30s, 40s and beyond can experience a massive change in their appearance when they lose weight rapidly – and not always in a good way. Let’s look at why rapid weight loss can cause premature ageing.

Why does rapid weight loss age you?

There are several key ways that rapid weight loss contributes to premature ageing.

Reduction in muscle mass

Firstly, when you lose weight rapidly, you’re not just losing fat. Quick weight loss methods also contribute to the loss of muscle mass. As your muscle mass drops, your body composition will alter (and your metabolism will also change, by the way!)

This means that you’ll have reduced strength, endurance and overall fitness, which can make you feel older. But it can also lead to changes to your posture and the shape of your body. These can all add up to both looking and feeling older.

Changes to skin elasticity

Another common experience when you lose weight quickly is a loss in elasticity. To put it simply, if you lose weight fast, your skin doesn’t have the time needed to adjust to the change in body composition. As a result, you’re more likely to have sagging skin and wrinkles.

This tends to be most noticeable in the face. Depending on how much weight you lose and your genetics, you may see new wrinkles, crows lines, a hollow area under the eyes and gaunt cheeks.


One often overlooked contributor to premature ageing with weight loss is dehydration. This is particularly common if you’re not consciously increasing your water intake, getting insufficient electrolytes or even restricting carbohydrates (such as a keto diet).

Why does this make such a big difference? Dehydration can cause dry, dull skin. It becomes more prone to wrinkles and other forms of damage that make you look older than you are.

Nutrient deficiencies

Weight loss diets are often deficient in key nutrients that keep you healthy and youthful. And as we know, if you’re not getting these nutrients in, premature ageing won’t be far behind! This is common in diets that restrict food groups or are too low in fat (because fat is a must for a healthy, youthful appearance!)

Want to make sure you’re getting plenty of healthy ageing nutrients? Make sure you check out my healthy ageing supplement, Energy Glow NR. It contains ingredients specifically to maintain skin integrity & structure, support skin repair and overall skin health – plus so much more. You can learn more about Energy Glow NR here.


Last but far from least, rapid weight loss puts a massive stress load onto your body. Once you add on all of your other forms of stress – work, family, responsibilities, the daily commute, the list goes on – it becomes a big problem.

Chronic stress feeds into inflammation and inflammaging, which is the biggest driver of premature ageing.

How can I avoid this side effect?

The good news is that you can have your weight-loss cake and eat it too! Despite what the Hollywood stories might say, you don’t have to choose between your face and your body.

Stay tuned for the next blog, where I’ll give you actionable steps for how you can lose weight without looking older.

Don’t opt for rapid weight loss fads that prematurely age you – there’s a better way!

Let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you looking AND feeling amazing.


Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

Your Metabolism Explained – What You Need To Know

Your Metabolism Explained – What You Need To Know

Woman with brain fog

Whenever we talk about weight loss, the topic of metabolism comes up. But do you know what it actually means and how it affects your body? Let’s get into some of the nitty gritty of your metabolism & what you can do with it.

What is metabolism?

First up, we need to understand what it is! There is a lot more to it than just losing or gaining weight. In fact, the definition of metabolism is:

All of the chemical processes that take place in the body to allow for growth, reproduction and maintenance of life

So it’s much more than just whether you can drop body fat or not!

It’s also important to note that there are several hormones & glands that play a part in controlling your metabolism. The major one to keep in mind specific to metabolic rate (how fast or slow it is) is your thyroid gland. In turn, your thyroid gland is controlled by your hypothalamus & pituitary gland in the brain.

Is it fixed, or can it be changed?

You might hear a lot of talk about a slow or fast metabolic rate. Teenage boys who can eat everything in sight and not put on a kilo? Fast metabolic rate. Someone with a condition such as Hashimoto’s that affects the thyroid’s function? Likely a slow metabolic rate that will lead to weight gain.

But it’s a big myth that your metabolism is fixed and there is nothing you can do about it! While there is a genetic component to the metabolic rate, there is plenty you can do to support a higher rate.

Does your metabolism drop with age?

Another common myth I hear from my clients? ‘Oh it’s just because I’m getting older, your metabolism slows down as soon as you hit 40 right?’

Think again. While there is some truth to it – there is a reduction that occurs – the latest science busted the idea that ageing was to blame for significant weight gain.

Research released in 2021 found that between 20 and 60, metabolic rate didn’t really change. It was once the participants reached 60 that the metabolism dropped – and even then, it was only by 0.7% per year.

It may even be that this myth itself is to blame. We tell ourselves that it’s inevitable to gain weight with age, so we don’t do anything to prevent it.

Tips to boost your metabolism

So now that you know a sluggish metabolism isn’t set in stone, what can you do to get it moving? Here are some simple habits to get you started.

Use movement

There are a few ways that physical activity can support your metabolism.

First up, we have incidental activity. If you’re moving frequently throughout the day and getting your steps in, this kicks up the metabolic rate.

Then there is more structured training. HIIT can support a healthy metabolism, although keep in mind it’s not for those under high or chronic stress. Strength training and building muscle can also be amazing for supporting your metabolic rate – muscle requires more calories to function and maintain itself. So if you add more muscle to your body, you will naturally increase your metabolism.

Don’t starve yourself – eat regularly!

I see so many women calorie restricting to lose weight. But this can actually have the opposite effect and leave you unable to eat a normal amount.

There are a few factors at play here. Calorie restriction can impair thyroid function, dropping the metabolic rate. Food also supports metabolism through TEF or thermic effect of food.  That’s right, food actually helps to burn itself off because it takes energy to digest and process it all!

And if that wasn’t enough, calorie restriction can also lead to nutrient deficiencies. If you don’t have the nutrients your body needs for an optimal metabolism, it can slow down the rate.

Get plenty of quality rest

If you’re skimping on sleep, you’re putting yourself at high risk of developing insulin resistance, which leads to cravings, weight gain and serious chronic health conditions. It also spikes your cortisol which puts pressure on the thyroid gland.

Make sure you prioritise 7-9 hours of high-quality sleep every night.

Add some green tea & spicy food

These ones have a minimal effect, but it can’t hurt to give them a go! Green tea and spicy food like chilli can give a minor boost to your metabolic rate. Not to mention, they’re also packed full of antioxidants and other fantastic supportive compounds.

Ditch the quick fixes and transform your body the right way!

Let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you looking AND feeling amazing


Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

Delicious Fruit Free Granola

Delicious Fruit Free Granola

Woman with brain fog

Breakfast to me is special.  It’s my most favourite meal. And while it’s easy to fall in a rut and have the same thing everyday (and I’ve been doing this for years), with a little planning, you can mix it up and discover some amazing new flavours and textures that will improve the variety in your diet and also serve as a healthy snack during the day.

I love granola, and there are lots of granola recipes just everywhere these days, but I still wanted to put mine here for you as another alternative.

It’s fruit free, loaded with healthy fats, protein, iron, B Vitamins, magnesium and zinc.  This granola will make you feel fuller for longer as it’s pretty much sugar free so you won’t get that pesky insulin release that’ll make you feel hungry in an hour.

Eat it with some fresh berries, banana, apple slices, milk of your choice (almond milk works beautifully) or a big dob of organic full fat yoghurt.


1 cup rolled oats (not instant oats please!), or for a gluten free option use quinoa flakes

2 cups of raw nuts, I used walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and brazil nuts

1 cup of coconut flakes

½ cup of pepitas (pumpkin seeds)

1 tsp ground cinnamon

2 tblsp chia seeds

⅓ cup coconut oil, melted


Preheat your oven to 120 degrees C, fan forced.

Roughly chop all of the nuts or pop them in the food processor and blitz them for a few seconds. Be careful not to overprocess them. Better to have some whole nuts in there than a bowl of nut powder!

Place these chopped nuts in a large bowl and add the pepitas, ground cinnamon, coconut, chia seeds and rolled oats.  Mix these thoroughly together and then add the melted coconut oil and stir this through so that it’s evenly spread throughout the mixture.

Then take a baking tray and put a sheet of baking paper on it and spread the granola on the tray evenly and put it in the oven for about 20 minutes.  Make sure at the 10 minute mark that you turn the granola to help it cook evenly.

The granola will appear a little oily but when it cools the oil will solidify a bit.

I find this sweet enough, but if you need some more sweetness, then add a small amount of organic honey (unprocessed, preferably) or rice malt syrup if you want to avoid the sugar/fructose in honey.

This is beautiful as breakfast and also great as a snack during the day

Let’s jump on a FREE Pre-Screening Call to talk about how we can get you feeling (and looking) amazing now and for decades to come!

Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.