Peanut Butter Oats…You’re Welcome!

Peanut Butter Oats…You’re Welcome!

Woman with brain fog

I am seriously addicted to peanut butter (PB).

Luckily it’s pretty good for you, as long as you have the natural PB, not the heavily processed ones that have added sugar and all sorts of nasties (seriously, just have a look at the label of most PBs – it’s crazy!).  The BEST PB is from the health food store, that you make yourself. Just feed those peanuts into the machine and out comes your fresh peanut butter, nothing but nuts!

In summer, I’m a serious smoothie lover for weekday breakfasts, but sometimes I just feel like something different.  Particularly after teaching an early morning yoga class, I just want to come home and EAT!

My Peanut Butter Oats recipe is super easy to make, and it’s a night before job, so there’s no time needed in the morning – just eat it!  This is also perfect for a breakfast on the go and you can warm it up in the cooler months.

The oats are a good source of protein and provide long lasting fuel, with beta glucan, which is cardioprotective, stabilises blood glucose levels and supports the immune system.  Oats also provide a nice boost of minerals including manganese (anti-oxidant), phosphorous (bone health and energy supporting) and molybdenum (anti-carcinogenic) in high amounts.  The chia seeds in this recipe provide protein and omega 3s and the peanut butter contains Vitamin B1, B3, folate, Vitamin C & E, magnesium, protein and healthy fats. These nutrients are important to support a healthy stress response, and have an anti-ageing effect due to the high antioxidant content.

Soaking the oats breaks down the phytates which can bind the minerals and make them hard for the body to digest.  Same with the chia seeds, soaking them allows the body to digest them easily.

Adding some fresh blueberries and cacao nibs for extra antioxidants just tops this breakfast off nicely!

Best of all – this tastes sooooo good!

Ingredients (One serve)

⅓ – ½ cup rolled oats (or quinoa flakes if gluten free)

1 tblsp chia seeds (any colour)

1 tblsp natural peanut butter 

½ tsp natural honey or maple syrup (optional)

¾ cup non-dairy milk (I’ve tried Oat, Rice and Organic Soy – it all works)


1 tblsp LSA (ground linseed, sunflower seed and almond mix)

Fresh berries or other fruit

Nuts and seeds of your choice

Cacao nibs

Whatever really!


Place the oats, chia seeds, PB, honey/maple syrup and milk into the jar (or bowl) and mix them together. Cover and place in the fridge overnight (6 hours does the trick).

Pop your add ins onto the oats the next morning, and enjoy x

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Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

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It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
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