Make Your Own Sauerkraut the Easy Way!

Make Your Own Sauerkraut the Easy Way!

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Fermented food is so hot right now as it’s positive impact on gut, cardiovascular and immune system health is being rediscovered.

This is a natural way to make your own probiotics. Probiotics are used to replenish your good bacteria in your digestive tract. When your gut bacteria (also known as gut microbiome) are in balance, you absorb nutrients from your food much more easily and the gut can eliminate toxins, bad bacteria, chemicals and other waste products from your body.

Many different foods can be fermented, and already are – think sourdough bread, wine, beer, yoghurt, pickles, etc.

Making sauerkraut is super easy and a great one to start off with at home.

Your Step by Step Guide to Making your own Sauerkraut


½ head of a medium sized cabbage (I used ¼ white and ¼ purple for a bit of colour)

1 tblsp sea salt


Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage and discard. Thoroughly wash the cabbage. Leave a large leaf uncut to the side, and finely slice the rest of the it.

Place the sliced cabbage in a large bowl and sprinkle with salt. Wash your hands thoroughly and massage the cabbage for about 5 minutes. Really get in there and squeeeeeze it! You will notice a LOT of moisture coming out of the cabbage – this is exactly what you want.

Now grab small handfuls of the cabbage and squish it into a clean glass jar, pressing it down firmly as you go. I use a muddler to really squish it down and release the water. The cabbage must be covered in the liquid for the fermentation to take place.


The jar can be glass, but NOT metal, as the salt will corrode it. I use a mason jar as the metal lid has a coating on it to prevent this. (The mason jar lid is also perfect for releasing the gas that will build up as you don’t risk the lid flying off!) A 500ml jar works well for this amount of cabbage.

When all of the cabbage has been placed in the jar, place the large leaf over the top of the cut cabbage (it doesn’t matter if this leaf is covered by the water or not. It’s job is to hold down the rest of the cut cabbage. Make sure you leave a little bit of room at the top of the jar for the kraut to expand a little as it ferments.

Seal with the lid and leave on the kitchen bench, out of direct sunlight.

Now…wait for the magic!

I live in a temperate climate and I usually let mine ferment for 4 days, releasing the lid every day to let the gas out and taste it. You can leave it for up to 10 days if you want a stronger flavour (and stronger smell!!!!).

Once it’s at the taste you want, place it in the fridge – this will slow the fermentation process and keep the flavour constant.

Now it’s ready to eat.

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Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Introduction Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.

Yep, Your Immune System is Impacted by Peri – Go Figure!

Yep, Your Immune System is Impacted by Peri – Go Figure!

Woman with brain fog
Are you finding that pretty much everyone is getting sick at the moment?? I mean, of course it’s Winter in Australia right now but seriously, there are a LOT of people getting sick and there are a number of reasons for this. And if you’re perimenopausal or post-menopause, then you’re likely going to want to know more about how our changing hormonal profile impacts our immunity because NEWS FLASH – there’s a significant impact, and not a good one…but of course, I’m here to help you navigate this.
So grab a cup of your preferred beverage and settle in for this one…

Immune System Basics

Before we dive into the connection between perimenopause and immunity, let’s briefly refresh our knowledge about the immune system. Our immune system acts as a defense mechanism, protecting our bodies against harmful pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. It consists of a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to identify and eliminate foreign invaders.

Hormones and Immunity

Now, I want to explore how hormones, particularly oestrogen, influence our immune system. Oestrogen receptors are present in various immune cells, suggesting that oestrogen plays a vital role in immune regulation. Oestrogen helps enhance immune responses by promoting the production of antibodies, stimulating immune cell activity, and modulating inflammation.

As you know, during perimenopause, our hormone levels start to fluctuate. Oestrogen levels begin to decline, leading to changes in our immune system. These hormonal shifts can result in an altered immune response and may affect our susceptibility to infections and autoimmune conditions. 

This is What Happens Next…

Increased Susceptibility to Infections

The decline in oestrogen levels can weaken our immune defenses, making us more vulnerable to infections. Research suggests that women in perimenopause may experience more frequent respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, and vaginal infections (oh yay!). This increased susceptibility to infections may be attributed to the reduced levels of oestrogen, which impacts the immune cells’ ability to fight off pathogens effectively.

Impact on Autoimmune Conditions

Autoimmune conditions, where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells and tissues, are more prevalent in women than men. Perimenopause can influence the development and progression of autoimmune disorders. The decline in oestrogen levels may trigger or exacerbate autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. Oestrogen has anti-inflammatory properties, and its decrease during perimenopause can lead to an imbalance in immune responses, potentially contributing to autoimmune flares.

Changes in Allergic Reactions

Perimenopause can also bring about changes in allergic reactions, like I mentioned in the last few blogs. Some women may experience an increase in allergy symptoms during this phase. Oestrogen helps regulate immune responses involved in allergies, and its decline can disrupt this balance. As a result, women may find themselves dealing with new or intensified allergic symptoms, such as hay fever, asthma, or skin rashes (like me with eczema).

Supporting Your Immune System During Perimenopause

While perimenopause may present some challenges for our immune system, there are steps we can take to support our overall health and well-being:

1. Balanced Diet: Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support immune function.

2. Move Your Body: Regular physical activity that you enjoy will increase your endorphins, help to maintain a healthy weight, boost circulation, and enhance immune responses. Aim for a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility exercises.

3. Stress Management: Chronic stress can weaken the immune system. Introduce some stress-reducing techniques that will fit easily into your day (yes, this is something that should be done daily to get the best result) such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or doing things that bring you joy to help manage stress levels.

4. Quality Sleep: Prioritise getting enough sleep and establish a consistent sleep routine. Aim for seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night, as sleep plays a vital role in supporting immune function.

5. Immune Supporting Supplements: There are some incredible herbs that help to support a healthy immune system and Energy Glow NR is ideal as it also will support a healthy stress response PLUS contains vital nutrients to help with recovery from illness. Use code BLOG30 for $30 off as a gift for reading this far! 


Susie Garden | Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath

Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of peri/menopause?
It’s time to reclaim your youthful energy, radiance and self-assurance (and your ideal weight).
I’m here to help with my proven method.

Book your complimentary Pre-Screening Call here, and let’s see how I might help you.